
Flea Markets World Map & Calendar

Fleamapket photo phone NYC

We are proud to introduce fleamapket.com, the first online map and directory portal 100% dedicated to flea markets, vintage design & antiques stores worldwide. It offers a beautiful & easy to use interface, and is optimized for mobile devices.

If you always wonder which flea markets are worth visiting, you’re just at the right place: fleamapket.com helps you find great places to shop for antiques and vintage, each of them hand-picked and reviewed by local experts.

But that’s not all: we also added a flea market calendar to the mix! Since we started fleamarketinsiders.com back in 2010, we noticed that keeping track of major monthly and yearly flea market fairs in Europe and the US, was no easy task. Back then, information was scattered over many independent sources, and one literally had to go and fish for information!

Fast forward to 2016, we addressed this problem by creating a custom calendar that actively tracks the world’s largest & best rated Flea Market Fairs, each of them gathering between 400 and 2,000 vendors. Because such events mostly take place on a non regular basis, they are pretty difficult to track and easy to miss! This is why we decided to take things in our hands, and create an International Flea Markets & Vintage Fairs calendar EXCLUSIVELY dedicated to those massive monthly/quarterly/yearly flea market fairs. We hope you will enjoy it as much as we had passion creating it.

Have fun and continue to help us make the world a better thrifting place! See you on fleamapket.com

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flea market calendar on iPhone Flea market map on iPhone

flea market calendar on smartphone

Got to fleamapket.com